
What does urban design? Delft Urban Design (Rough) Guide - 2019 tryout

Bet, E. & Bouma T. (2019). What does urban design?: Delft Urban Design (Rough) Guide, 2019 tryout.

The Tryout version of the Delft Urban Design Guide is a collection of tutorials that explain the basic steps in Urban Design. It is an educational document aimed for bachelor and master students.

The tutorials are based on urban design daily practice. Students can use the tutorials during the studio work, pick the tutorial that can help them with the step they are making in the studio. There is no fixed order to follow while choosing tutorials.

The tutorials on the ‘operation scale’ offer considerations and tips to structure the design, the other tutorials offer concrete tools. The set of tutorials is work in progress, it is not yet complete, some tutorials are not yet translated, links and sources are sometimes still missing, but we think it is time for a tryout.