
Critical Environments

Research platform for intellectual exchange, collaborative knowledge production and resource commoning

Public Health + Public Space

Delta Urbanism

Interdisciplinary research programme

Towards a Media-Archaeology of our Data Society

Artistic Research Project with Armin Linke

The Glasshouse: A Medium of Interchangeability

2020: A Year Without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wie wollen wir wohnen?

100 Jahre Zürcher Wohnbaugenosseschaften

Cities of Making

Resources for activating new urban industry through technology, spatial design and transition governance

Decolonising Water Sensitive Urban Design

The City of the Future


How space is making Rotterdam warmer, how this affects the health of its inhabitants, and what can be done about it.


Building digital competence for reproducible, automated and scalable research in the urbanism research community

Making Green Work

Closing the virtuous circle of enabling urban green-blue infrastructure through transformative communities of innovation

The Acceptance of Density

Comparative discourse analysis in Switzerland and The Netherlands

Architectural Encounters with AI

The New Data-driven Agricultural Landscapes in the Dutch Delta System


Instruments for Sustainable Urban Riverfronts

Automated Landscapes

Architectures of Work without Human Workers

Durability and Social Change in Neighbourhoods

Three Housing Biographies in Zurich Langstrassenquarter and the CIAM study of 1937


Virtual Reality Design Methods and Application Lab


Fit-for-purpose water sensitive design for fast growing livable cities

Metageographies of Urbanization

Is the World Urban? Towards a Critique of Geospatial Ideology


Area typology of the urban heat island effect in the city of Amsterdam

Critical Environments

Research platform for intellectual exchange, collaborative knowledge production and resource commoning


Building digital competence for reproducible, automated and scalable research in the urbanism research community

Public Health + Public Space

Making Green Work

Closing the virtuous circle of enabling urban green-blue infrastructure through transformative communities of innovation

Delta Urbanism

Interdisciplinary research programme

The Acceptance of Density

Comparative discourse analysis in Switzerland and The Netherlands

Towards a Media-Archaeology of our Data Society

Artistic Research Project with Armin Linke

Architectural Encounters with AI

The New Data-driven Agricultural Landscapes in the Dutch Delta System

The Glasshouse: A Medium of Interchangeability


Instruments for Sustainable Urban Riverfronts

2020: A Year Without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic

Automated Landscapes

Architectures of Work without Human Workers

Wie wollen wir wohnen?

100 Jahre Zürcher Wohnbaugenosseschaften

Durability and Social Change in Neighbourhoods

Three Housing Biographies in Zurich Langstrassenquarter and the CIAM study of 1937

Cities of Making

Resources for activating new urban industry through technology, spatial design and transition governance


Virtual Reality Design Methods and Application Lab

Decolonising Water Sensitive Urban Design


Fit-for-purpose water sensitive design for fast growing livable cities

The City of the Future

Metageographies of Urbanization

Is the World Urban? Towards a Critique of Geospatial Ideology


How space is making Rotterdam warmer, how this affects the health of its inhabitants, and what can be done about it.


Area typology of the urban heat island effect in the city of Amsterdam