

Promises and perils of water sensitivity as a new hydro-social imaginary for Kozhikode, India

Bringing ecological urbanism

Bringing Ecological Urbanism and Urban Political Ecology to transformative visions of water sensitivity in cities


The Impact of Institutional Innovation on a Public Tender: The Case of Madrid Metropolitan Forest


Experts as Game Changers? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Climate Measures in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam


Automated Landscapes


Urban designers are essential for a resilient society, but where are they?

Schermafbeelding 2022-12-23 om 15.20.36

Flood risk management through a resilience lens


Station City Integration in China: Towards Mobility Resilience and Public Space Flexibility


Kleur Veenhuizen: Handboek voor Onderhoud

Monumental Wastelands

Five Freedoms, Technology and Autonomy in Animal Farming: a Report from the Netherlands


“The Plant Knows Best”: A fieldwork report on automated flower production in the Netherlands


A comprehensive review on the long-term performance of stormwater biofiltration systems (SBS): Operational challenges and future directions

Urban Manufacturing for Circularity

Urban Manufacturing for Circularity: Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities


Deep Zoning


Domestication Will Shape Future Public Spaces: A Report from Rotterdam

Investigating functional mix

Investigating functional mix in Europe's dispersed urban areas

Public spaces

Public Spaces for Community Resilience: Thinking beyond the Dichotomies of Public and Private as well as Exterior and Interior

the port city

The Port-City Portrayed in its Public Spaces: Introducing Micro Biographies of Places


The Evaluation of Interiority in the Identity of Public Spaces

Education for the resilient city

Education for the resilient city – teaching and learning urban design and planning in COVID-19 times


Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture


Main Supporting Characters

operational landscapes_small

Operational Landscapes: Hinterlands of the Capitalocene


Urbanism as Myth and Ceremony: Social Legitimacy and the Development of the Bata Shoe Company Satellite Towns (1929-1935)


Pedestrianization Challenges around Future Transit Oriented Development Area in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Journal of Public Space

The Journal of Public Space Vol.4 n. 2: Public Space in the Entrepreneurial City

Cover - City of the Future

City of the Future


Footprint. Delft Architecture Theory Journal #25: The Human, Conditioned

Mixed-Use City

Mixed-Use City: Configurations from Street Network to Building Plot


Robocar and Urban Space Evolution: City changes in the age of autonomous cars

form follows feeling

Form Follows Feeling: The Acquisition of Design Expertise and the function of Aesthesis in the Design Process

design with forms

Design with forms as well as patterns

Cities Report

Cities Report: Rotterdam The Hague, NL

towards a method

Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change: The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina

Cities for or against

Cities for or against citizens? Socio-spatial restructuring of low-income neighborhoods and the paradox of citizen participation.

built environment

Exploring the skyline of Rotterdam and The Hague: Visibility Analysis and Its Implications for Tall Building Policy

publ-cedricprice-th copy_small

The City and the Architecture of Change: The Projects and Radical Visions of Cedric Price


Amsterwarm: Mapping the landuse, health and energy-efficiency implications of the Amsterdam urban heat island

urban form and greenhouse

Urban form and greenhouse gas emissions: Findings, strategies, and design decision support technologies

negotiation and design

Negotiation and Design for the Self-Organizing City. Gaming as a method for Urban Design: Gaming as a method for Urban Design

Historical transformation

A Study on Historical Transformation of the Urban Integration Core of Khulna City, Bangladesh

Pattern formation in urbanism

Pattern formation in urbanism

between flexibility and reliability

Between Flexibility and Reliability: Changing Planning Culture in China

Mapping urban form

Mapping Urban Form: Morphology studies in the contemporary urban landscape

Sensing Human Activity

Sensing human activity: GPS tracking


The Memory of the City: Cultural History and Urban Design


Interior Public Space: On the Mazes in the Network of an Urbanist


Urban Analysis Guidebook: Typomorphology


RingRing: ondergronds bouwen voor meervoudig ruimtegebruik boven en langs de Ring in Rotterdam en Amsterdam.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-19 om 22.03.42

The hydro-cultural dimension in Water-Sensitive Urban Design for Kozhikode, India

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-10-20 om 16.59.41

Reviewing Historic Urban Water Transitions to Advance Water-Sensitive Urban Design for Bhuj, India


The acceptance of density: Conflicts of public and private interests in public debate on urban densification


Everyday Streets: Inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets


How to Alleviate Feelings of Crowding in a Working from Home Environment: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic


Water sensitivity and context specificity – concept and context in Water-Sensitive Urban Design for secondary cities


Mapping Spatial Repertoire in Public Space


Environmental factors influencing target selection for residential burglary: experimental study using virtual reality

Mapping Wuhan

Mapping Wuhan: Morphological atlas of the Urbanization of a Chinese City

Roadside Picnics

Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny

Making Green Work

Making Green Work: Implementation Strategies in a New Generation of Urban Forests


Instruments for Sustainable Urban Riverfronts (I-SURF) project data

On Sea Level Rise_001

Journal of Delta Urbanism


Burglars’ choice of intrusion routes: A virtual reality experimental study


From cybernetics to an architecture of ecology: Cedric Price’s Inter-Action Centre

Landscape pattern changes

A preliminary study on the impact of landscape pattern changes due to urbanization: Case study of Jakarta, Indonesia

flood risk management

A rainfall threshold-based approach to early warnings in urban data-scarce regions: A case study of pluvial flooding in Alexandria, Egypt

Waterfront Analysis and Design_1_small

Waterfront Analysis and Design: Comparative Report of Beijing, Suzhou, and Yinchuan


Foundries of the Future: A Guide For 21st Century Cities of Making


Genes, Robots, and Toxicity: the Haunted Landscapes of Milk Production


Inzicht: Academische vaardigheden voor bouwkundigen 2020-2021_Q1

On Sea Level Rise_001

On Sea Level Rise


Urbanism: Fundamentals and Prospects


Cities of Making pattern language card set

What does urban design_cover

What does urban design? Delft Urban Design (Rough) Guide - 2019 tryout


Micro-living / Cluster-Living. Evaluation of communal forms of houisng for small households


Evaluating Public Activities and Behaviors as a Component of Place Identity in Public Interiors: The Case of Kızlarağası Inn, İzmir


Investigating Pedestrian Based Informal Economy and Its Impact On Walkability In Dhaka City

Researching-Automated-Landscapes _001

Researching Automated Landscapes

The spatial distribution and frequency of street, plot and building types across five European cities

spatial quality

Spatial Quality as a Decisive Criterion in Flood Risk Strategies

changing values

Changing Values on Water in Delta Cities


Stedebouwkundig(e) ontwerpen in woorden: Honderd jaar stedebouwkundige begrippen


Agricultural Platforms


Hotterdam: Mapping the social, morphological, and land-use dimensions of the Rotterdam urban heat island

the delft fundamentals

The Delft Fundamentals: integration of disciplines, projects and analysis


Eco-city Model for Sustainable Urban Development


Proposals for Image Reconstruction and Urban Regeneration: The Case of Khulna City, Bangladesh

overholland 16-17

Towns and Ports on Walcheren and Zuid-Beveland between 1500 and 2000: a historical Sketch


New Geographies 6: Grounding Metabolism

conflicten over haagse stadsbeelden

Conflicten over Haagse Stadsbeelden: Van Willemspark tot Spuiforum

Evidence based design

Evidence-based design: satellite positioning studies of city centre user groups

space density and urban form

Space, Density and Urban Form


Zoeken naar een passend gebouw: een reconstructie van de stedelijke inpassing van het Amsterdamse stadhuis op basis van de vroedschapsresoluties, 1639-1648


Urbanism on Track: Application of Tracking Technologies in Urbanism


Working for the City: 25 Years of Work from the Urban Design Departments of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam

reweaving uma

Reweaving UMA: Urbanism Mobility Architecture


Connectors: the way beyond transferring


Promises and perils of water sensitivity as a new hydro-social imaginary for Kozhikode, India

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-19 om 22.03.42

The hydro-cultural dimension in Water-Sensitive Urban Design for Kozhikode, India

Bringing ecological urbanism

Bringing Ecological Urbanism and Urban Political Ecology to transformative visions of water sensitivity in cities

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-10-20 om 16.59.41

Reviewing Historic Urban Water Transitions to Advance Water-Sensitive Urban Design for Bhuj, India


The Impact of Institutional Innovation on a Public Tender: The Case of Madrid Metropolitan Forest


The acceptance of density: Conflicts of public and private interests in public debate on urban densification


Experts as Game Changers? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Climate Measures in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam


Everyday Streets: Inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets


Automated Landscapes


How to Alleviate Feelings of Crowding in a Working from Home Environment: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic


Urban designers are essential for a resilient society, but where are they?


Water sensitivity and context specificity – concept and context in Water-Sensitive Urban Design for secondary cities

Schermafbeelding 2022-12-23 om 15.20.36

Flood risk management through a resilience lens


Mapping Spatial Repertoire in Public Space


Station City Integration in China: Towards Mobility Resilience and Public Space Flexibility


Environmental factors influencing target selection for residential burglary: experimental study using virtual reality


Kleur Veenhuizen: Handboek voor Onderhoud

Mapping Wuhan

Mapping Wuhan: Morphological atlas of the Urbanization of a Chinese City

Monumental Wastelands

Five Freedoms, Technology and Autonomy in Animal Farming: a Report from the Netherlands

Roadside Picnics

Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny


“The Plant Knows Best”: A fieldwork report on automated flower production in the Netherlands

Making Green Work

Making Green Work: Implementation Strategies in a New Generation of Urban Forests


A comprehensive review on the long-term performance of stormwater biofiltration systems (SBS): Operational challenges and future directions


Instruments for Sustainable Urban Riverfronts (I-SURF) project data

Urban Manufacturing for Circularity

Urban Manufacturing for Circularity: Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities

On Sea Level Rise_001

Journal of Delta Urbanism


Deep Zoning


Burglars’ choice of intrusion routes: A virtual reality experimental study


Domestication Will Shape Future Public Spaces: A Report from Rotterdam


From cybernetics to an architecture of ecology: Cedric Price’s Inter-Action Centre

Investigating functional mix

Investigating functional mix in Europe's dispersed urban areas

Landscape pattern changes

A preliminary study on the impact of landscape pattern changes due to urbanization: Case study of Jakarta, Indonesia

Public spaces

Public Spaces for Community Resilience: Thinking beyond the Dichotomies of Public and Private as well as Exterior and Interior

flood risk management

A rainfall threshold-based approach to early warnings in urban data-scarce regions: A case study of pluvial flooding in Alexandria, Egypt

the port city

The Port-City Portrayed in its Public Spaces: Introducing Micro Biographies of Places

Waterfront Analysis and Design_1_small

Waterfront Analysis and Design: Comparative Report of Beijing, Suzhou, and Yinchuan


The Evaluation of Interiority in the Identity of Public Spaces


Foundries of the Future: A Guide For 21st Century Cities of Making

Education for the resilient city

Education for the resilient city – teaching and learning urban design and planning in COVID-19 times


Genes, Robots, and Toxicity: the Haunted Landscapes of Milk Production


Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture


Inzicht: Academische vaardigheden voor bouwkundigen 2020-2021_Q1


Main Supporting Characters

On Sea Level Rise_001

On Sea Level Rise

operational landscapes_small

Operational Landscapes: Hinterlands of the Capitalocene


Urbanism: Fundamentals and Prospects


Urbanism as Myth and Ceremony: Social Legitimacy and the Development of the Bata Shoe Company Satellite Towns (1929-1935)


Cities of Making pattern language card set


Pedestrianization Challenges around Future Transit Oriented Development Area in Dhaka, Bangladesh

What does urban design_cover

What does urban design? Delft Urban Design (Rough) Guide - 2019 tryout

The Journal of Public Space

The Journal of Public Space Vol.4 n. 2: Public Space in the Entrepreneurial City


Micro-living / Cluster-Living. Evaluation of communal forms of houisng for small households

Cover - City of the Future

City of the Future


Evaluating Public Activities and Behaviors as a Component of Place Identity in Public Interiors: The Case of Kızlarağası Inn, İzmir


Footprint. Delft Architecture Theory Journal #25: The Human, Conditioned


Investigating Pedestrian Based Informal Economy and Its Impact On Walkability In Dhaka City

Mixed-Use City

Mixed-Use City: Configurations from Street Network to Building Plot

Researching-Automated-Landscapes _001

Researching Automated Landscapes


Robocar and Urban Space Evolution: City changes in the age of autonomous cars

The spatial distribution and frequency of street, plot and building types across five European cities

form follows feeling

Form Follows Feeling: The Acquisition of Design Expertise and the function of Aesthesis in the Design Process

spatial quality

Spatial Quality as a Decisive Criterion in Flood Risk Strategies

design with forms

Design with forms as well as patterns

changing values

Changing Values on Water in Delta Cities

Cities Report

Cities Report: Rotterdam The Hague, NL


Stedebouwkundig(e) ontwerpen in woorden: Honderd jaar stedebouwkundige begrippen

towards a method

Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change: The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina


Agricultural Platforms

Cities for or against

Cities for or against citizens? Socio-spatial restructuring of low-income neighborhoods and the paradox of citizen participation.


Hotterdam: Mapping the social, morphological, and land-use dimensions of the Rotterdam urban heat island

built environment

Exploring the skyline of Rotterdam and The Hague: Visibility Analysis and Its Implications for Tall Building Policy

the delft fundamentals

The Delft Fundamentals: integration of disciplines, projects and analysis

publ-cedricprice-th copy_small

The City and the Architecture of Change: The Projects and Radical Visions of Cedric Price


Eco-city Model for Sustainable Urban Development


Amsterwarm: Mapping the landuse, health and energy-efficiency implications of the Amsterdam urban heat island


Proposals for Image Reconstruction and Urban Regeneration: The Case of Khulna City, Bangladesh

urban form and greenhouse

Urban form and greenhouse gas emissions: Findings, strategies, and design decision support technologies

overholland 16-17

Towns and Ports on Walcheren and Zuid-Beveland between 1500 and 2000: a historical Sketch

negotiation and design

Negotiation and Design for the Self-Organizing City. Gaming as a method for Urban Design: Gaming as a method for Urban Design


New Geographies 6: Grounding Metabolism

Historical transformation

A Study on Historical Transformation of the Urban Integration Core of Khulna City, Bangladesh

conflicten over haagse stadsbeelden

Conflicten over Haagse Stadsbeelden: Van Willemspark tot Spuiforum

Pattern formation in urbanism

Pattern formation in urbanism

Evidence based design

Evidence-based design: satellite positioning studies of city centre user groups

between flexibility and reliability

Between Flexibility and Reliability: Changing Planning Culture in China

space density and urban form

Space, Density and Urban Form

Mapping urban form

Mapping Urban Form: Morphology studies in the contemporary urban landscape


Zoeken naar een passend gebouw: een reconstructie van de stedelijke inpassing van het Amsterdamse stadhuis op basis van de vroedschapsresoluties, 1639-1648

Sensing Human Activity

Sensing human activity: GPS tracking


Urbanism on Track: Application of Tracking Technologies in Urbanism


The Memory of the City: Cultural History and Urban Design


Working for the City: 25 Years of Work from the Urban Design Departments of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam


Interior Public Space: On the Mazes in the Network of an Urbanist

reweaving uma

Reweaving UMA: Urbanism Mobility Architecture


Urban Analysis Guidebook: Typomorphology


Connectors: the way beyond transferring


RingRing: ondergronds bouwen voor meervoudig ruimtegebruik boven en langs de Ring in Rotterdam en Amsterdam.