Book Market in support of Philip Spangenburg Travel Grant
Symposium Circular Retrofitting of Public Space: Infrastructures, Models, Strategies
Symposium Cowborgs in the Polder
Critical Environments / More-Than-Human Environments
Delft als laboratorium voor studenten Bouwkunde
The art of listening: an Iranian landscape architect interviewing elderly in Rotterdam
Metropolitan Clubtalk #4: De smaakmakers van de gemengde stad
A Month of Urban Design
Richard Sennett: Interiority and the Open City
Met het oog op de Toekomst
Revealing the Impact of Social Media on Places: Mapping Differences Between Virtual Space and Physical Space
Urgent Urbanism: Kees Christiaanse
Symposium Repositioning Urban Design: Projections, Limits, Encounters
Metropolitan Clubtalk #3: Wordt Nederland nu Nederstad?
Book launch Technical Lands
Metropolitan Clubtalk continues!
Making Green Work for Health: Cidade Saúde e Cuidados do Verde
Urban Design projects and staff in TU Delft Design for Diversity Thesis Award
Day of Practice
Book launch Automated Landscapes
How do you design for a social-ecological inclusive city?
Chris Zevenbergen in Nature Communications: Adopt a resilience lens in flood risk management
Metropolitan Club: Urban Design Challenge 3
Nikos Katsikis and Víctor Muñoz Sanz to participate in workshop Terraforming Terra at University of Stavanger
Redesigning Deltas design study exhibited at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2022 ‘It’s about time’
Contribution of Urban Design staff and students in the book 'Designing from the cross-section'
Urbanism ReproHack
Book presentation Mapping Wuhan
Report and reflection: Metropolitan Club Urban Design Challenge #1
DeSIRE Design Workshop on Resilient Leftover Spaces
Documentary Screening and Debate
Announcing Season 2 of Metropolitan Club
Taneha K. Bacchin highlighted among 25 female professionals in Archdaily
Claudiu Forgaci, “Mihai Alexandru” Prize of Excellence 2021 for urbanism researchers
Claudiu Forgaci has received one of the Special Mentions of The Third Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2021
Maurice Harteveld in podcast de Oplossers about solving the Dutch housing crisis
Panel discussion on Climate Change and Adaptation in the ECLAS 2021 conference
Sub terra - New Roots for Underground Urbanism
Víctor Muñoz Sanz in Going Green #2: Making Green Work
Charlotte Malterre-Barthes & Marc Angélil: Migrant Marseille
Design (in) Transition - Francesco Garofalo
Exhibition Integrating Soundscapes and Community Experiences
Critical Environments Symposium
Critical Environments / Critical Cartographies
Seminar Making Green Work for Health
TU Delft Technology Fellowship: Professor Fundamentals and Prospects in Urban Design and Research
Anne Loes Nillesen, Urban Design Professor at TU Delft, was keynote speaker at the PBL Ruimtedialoog 2023
Urban Design: Unknown Grounds
Intersubjective Approaches to Urban Design
Unlearning Urban Design
Metropolitan Clubtalk #4 De sociaal-maatschappelijke werkstad?
Immersive Urbanism: Open House at VR-BK
Metropolitan Clubtalk #3: Van Nederland naar Neder-stad?
Metropolitan Clubtalk #2: De stad van Nolli en Ottolenghi
Job vacancy: full professor of urban design
Metropolitan Clubtalk #1: Hechten van het stedelijk weefsel
New Netherlands featered in ‘Plan D: Dutch Climate Refugees to Germany?’ exhibition at Haus der Niederlande, Münster, Germany
Metropolitan Club: Talkshow @Bouwpub #1
Transitional Territories Lecture Series—After Territory—Session 3
Looking back at: How do you design for a social-ecological inclusive city?
Geert van der Meulen in ‘Quand la mer menace les villes’ (When Oceans Threaten Cities)
Report and reflection: Metropolitan Club Urban Design Challenge #2
Istiaque Ahmed invited speaker at the Just Peace Month's closing event "One Planet – Stories of Hope"
Metropolitan Club: Urban Design Challenge 1
Results of Archiprix 2023: Anne van den Berg and Isabella Trabucco, two urban design students out of nine projects selected
Reproducible and Automated Research with R for Urbanists
Metropolitan Club: Urban Design Challenge 2
Job vacancies
Research story
International Delta Conference Redesigning Deltas
Territories of Accumulation
Metropolitan Club 3: Today's role of the urban designer
Contribution of Section of Urban Design at the the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)
VR Webinar 04 VRiAUD4: the City at Eye-Level
Metropolitan Club 2: Tools and instruments for the new urban project and the role of digitalization
Contribution of Víctor Muñoz Sanz to Eisenhüttenstadt: Between Model and Museum II
Metropolitan Club 1: Challenges that define the new urban project
Dataspheres of Planetary Urbanization at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021